Source code for wsproto.connection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

An implementation of a WebSocket connection.

import os
import base64
import hashlib
from collections import deque

from enum import Enum

import h11

from .events import (
    ConnectionRequested, ConnectionEstablished, ConnectionClosed,
    ConnectionFailed, TextReceived, BytesReceived, PingReceived, PongReceived
from .frame_protocol import FrameProtocol, ParseFailed, CloseReason, Opcode
from .utilities import normed_header_dict, split_comma_header

# RFC6455, Section 1.3 - Opening Handshake
ACCEPT_GUID = b"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"

class ConnectionState(Enum):
    RFC 6455, Section 4 - Opening Handshake
    OPEN = 1
    CLOSING = 2
    CLOSED = 3

class ConnectionType(Enum):
    CLIENT = 1
    SERVER = 2

CLIENT = ConnectionType.CLIENT
SERVER = ConnectionType.SERVER

[docs]class WSConnection(object): """ A low-level WebSocket connection object. This wraps two other protocol objects, an HTTP/1.1 protocol object used to do the initial HTTP upgrade handshake and a WebSocket frame protocol object used to exchange messages and other control frames. :param conn_type: Whether this object is on the client- or server-side of a connection. To initialise as a client pass ``CLIENT`` otherwise pass ``SERVER``. :type conn_type: ``ConnectionType`` :param host: The hostname to pass to the server when acting as a client. :type host: ``str`` :param resource: The resource (aka path) to pass to the server when acting as a client. :type resource: ``str`` :param extensions: A list of extensions to use on this connection. Defaults to to an empty list. Extensions should be instances of a subclass of :class:`Extension <wsproto.extensions.Extension>`. :param subprotocols: A list of subprotocols to request when acting as a client, ordered by preference. This has no impact on the connection itself. Defaults to an empty list. :type subprotocol: ``list`` of ``str`` """ def __init__(self, conn_type, host=None, resource=None, extensions=None, subprotocols=None): self.client = conn_type is ConnectionType.CLIENT = host self.resource = resource self.subprotocols = subprotocols or [] self.extensions = extensions or [] self.version = b'13' self._state = ConnectionState.CONNECTING self._close_reason = None self._nonce = None self._outgoing = b'' self._events = deque() self._proto = None if self.client: self._upgrade_connection = h11.Connection(h11.CLIENT) else: self._upgrade_connection = h11.Connection(h11.SERVER) if self.client: if is None: raise ValueError( "Host must not be None for a client-side connection.") if self.resource is None: raise ValueError( "Resource must not be None for a client-side connection.") self.initiate_connection() def initiate_connection(self): self._generate_nonce() headers = { b"Host":'ascii'), b"Upgrade": b'WebSocket', b"Connection": b'Upgrade', b"Sec-WebSocket-Key": self._nonce, b"Sec-WebSocket-Version": self.version, } if self.subprotocols: headers[b"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = ", ".join(self.subprotocols) if self.extensions: offers = { e.offer(self) for e in self.extensions} extensions = [] for name, params in offers.items(): if params is True: extensions.append(name.encode('ascii')) elif params: # py34 annoyance: doesn't support bytestring formatting extensions.append(('%s; %s' % (name, params)) .encode("ascii")) if extensions: headers[b'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions'] = b', '.join(extensions) upgrade = h11.Request(method=b'GET', target=self.resource, headers=headers.items()) self._outgoing += self._upgrade_connection.send(upgrade)
[docs] def send_data(self, payload, final=True): """ Send a message or part of a message to the remote peer. If ``final`` is ``False`` it indicates that this is part of a longer message. If ``final`` is ``True`` it indicates that this is either a self-contained message or the last part of a longer message. If ``payload`` is of type ``bytes`` then the message is flagged as being binary. If it is of type ``str`` the message is encoded as UTF-8 and sent as text. :param payload: The message body to send. :type payload: ``bytes`` or ``str`` :param final: Whether there are more parts to this message to be sent. :type final: ``bool`` """ self._outgoing += self._proto.send_data(payload, final)
[docs] def close(self, code=CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE, reason=None): """ Initiate the close handshake by sending a CLOSE control message. A clean teardown requires a CLOSE control messages from the other endpoint before the underlying TCP connection can be closed, see :class:``. """ self._outgoing += self._proto.close(code, reason) self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSING
@property def closed(self): return self._state is ConnectionState.CLOSED
[docs] def bytes_to_send(self, amount=None): """ Returns some data for sending out of the internal data buffer. This method is analogous to ``read`` on a file-like object, but it doesn't block. Instead, it returns as much data as the user asks for, or less if that much data is not available. It does not perform any I/O, and so uses a different name. :param amount: (optional) The maximum amount of data to return. If not set, or set to ``None``, will return as much data as possible. :type amount: ``int`` :returns: A bytestring containing the data to send on the wire. :rtype: ``bytes`` """ if amount is None: data = self._outgoing self._outgoing = b'' else: data = self._outgoing[:amount] self._outgoing = self._outgoing[amount:] return data
[docs] def receive_bytes(self, data): """ Pass some received data to the connection for handling. A list of events that the remote peer triggered by sending this data can be retrieved with :meth:``. :param data: The data received from the remote peer on the network. :type data: ``bytes`` """ if data is None and self._state is ConnectionState.OPEN: # "If _The WebSocket Connection is Closed_ and no Close control # frame was received by the endpoint (such as could occur if the # underlying transport connection is lost), _The WebSocket # Connection Close Code_ is considered to be 1006." self._events.append(ConnectionClosed(CloseReason.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE)) self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSED return if self._state is ConnectionState.CONNECTING: event, data = self._process_upgrade(data) if event is not None: self._events.append(event) if self._state in (ConnectionState.OPEN, ConnectionState.CLOSING): self._proto.receive_bytes(data) elif self._state is ConnectionState.CLOSED: raise ValueError('Connection already closed.')
[docs] def events(self): """ Return a generator that provides any events that have been generated by protocol activity. :returns: generator of :class:`Event <>` subclasses """ while self._events: yield self._events.popleft() if self._proto is None: return try: for frame in self._proto.received_frames(): if frame.opcode is Opcode.PING: assert frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished self._outgoing += self._proto.pong(frame.payload) yield PingReceived(frame.payload) elif frame.opcode is Opcode.PONG: assert frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished yield PongReceived(frame.payload) elif frame.opcode is Opcode.CLOSE: code, reason = frame.payload if self._state is ConnectionState.OPEN: self.close(code, reason) self._state = ConnectionState.CLOSED yield ConnectionClosed(code, reason) elif frame.opcode is Opcode.TEXT: yield TextReceived(frame.payload, frame.frame_finished, frame.message_finished) elif frame.opcode is Opcode.BINARY: yield BytesReceived(frame.payload, frame.frame_finished, frame.message_finished) except ParseFailed as exc: # XX FIXME: apparently autobahn intentionally deviates from the # spec in that on protocol errors it just closes the connection # rather than trying to send a CLOSE frame. Investigate whether we # should do the same. self.close(code=exc.code, reason=str(exc)) yield ConnectionClosed(exc.code, reason=str(exc))
def accept(self, event, subprotocol=None): request = event.h11request request_headers = normed_header_dict(request.headers) nonce = request_headers[b'sec-websocket-key'] accept_token = self._generate_accept_token(nonce) headers = { b"Upgrade": b'WebSocket', b"Connection": b'Upgrade', b"Sec-WebSocket-Accept": accept_token, } if subprotocol is not None: if subprotocol not in event.proposed_subprotocols: raise ValueError( "unexpected subprotocol {!r}".format(subprotocol)) headers[b'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'] = subprotocol extensions = request_headers.get(b'sec-websocket-extensions', None) if extensions: accepts = self._extension_accept(extensions) if accepts: headers[b"Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = accepts response = h11.InformationalResponse(status_code=101, headers=headers.items()) self._outgoing += self._upgrade_connection.send(response) self._proto = FrameProtocol(self.client, self.extensions) self._state = ConnectionState.OPEN
[docs] def ping(self, payload=None): """ Send a PING message to the peer. :param payload: an optional payload to send with the message """ payload = bytes(payload or b'') self._outgoing +=
[docs] def pong(self, payload=None): """ Send a PONG message to the peer. This method can be used to send an unsolicted PONG to the peer. It is not needed otherwise since every received PING causes a corresponding PONG to be sent automatically. :param payload: an optional payload to send with the message """ payload = bytes(payload or b'') self._outgoing += self._proto.pong(payload)
def _generate_nonce(self): # os.urandom may be overkill for this use case, but I don't think this # is a bottleneck, and better safe than sorry... self._nonce = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16)) def _generate_accept_token(self, token): accept_token = token + ACCEPT_GUID accept_token = hashlib.sha1(accept_token).digest() return base64.b64encode(accept_token) def _process_upgrade(self, data): self._upgrade_connection.receive_data(data) while True: try: event = self._upgrade_connection.next_event() except h11.RemoteProtocolError: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Bad HTTP message"), b'' if event is h11.NEED_DATA: break elif self.client and isinstance(event, (h11.InformationalResponse, h11.Response)): data = self._upgrade_connection.trailing_data[0] return self._establish_client_connection(event), data elif not self.client and isinstance(event, h11.Request): return self._process_connection_request(event), None else: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Bad HTTP message"), b'' self._incoming = b'' return None, None def _establish_client_connection(self, event): if event.status_code != 101: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Bad status code from server") headers = normed_header_dict(event.headers) connection_tokens = split_comma_header(headers[b'connection']) if not any(token.lower() == 'upgrade' for token in connection_tokens): return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Connection: Upgrade header") if headers[b'upgrade'].lower() != b'websocket': return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Upgrade: WebSocket header") accept_token = self._generate_accept_token(self._nonce) if headers[b'sec-websocket-accept'] != accept_token: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Bad accept token") subprotocol = headers.get(b'sec-websocket-protocol', None) if subprotocol is not None: subprotocol = subprotocol.decode('ascii') if subprotocol not in self.subprotocols: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unrecognized subprotocol {!r}" .format(subprotocol)) extensions = headers.get(b'sec-websocket-extensions', None) if extensions: accepts = split_comma_header(extensions) for accept in accepts: name = accept.split(';', 1)[0].strip() for extension in self.extensions: if == name: extension.finalize(self, accept) break else: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "unrecognized extension {!r}" .format(name)) self._proto = FrameProtocol(self.client, self.extensions) self._state = ConnectionState.OPEN return ConnectionEstablished(subprotocol, extensions) def _process_connection_request(self, event): if event.method != b'GET': return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Request method must be GET") headers = normed_header_dict(event.headers) connection_tokens = split_comma_header(headers[b'connection']) if not any(token.lower() == 'upgrade' for token in connection_tokens): return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Connection: Upgrade header") if headers[b'upgrade'].lower() != b'websocket': return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Upgrade: WebSocket header") if b'sec-websocket-version' not in headers: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Version header") # XX FIXME: need to check Sec-Websocket-Version, and respond with a # 400 if it's not what we expect if b'sec-websocket-protocol' in headers: proposed_subprotocols = split_comma_header( headers[b'sec-websocket-protocol']) else: proposed_subprotocols = [] if b'sec-websocket-key' not in headers: return ConnectionFailed(CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key header") return ConnectionRequested(proposed_subprotocols, event) def _extension_accept(self, extensions_header): accepts = {} offers = split_comma_header(extensions_header) for offer in offers: name = offer.split(';', 1)[0].strip() for extension in self.extensions: if == name: accept = extension.accept(self, offer) if accept is True: accepts[] = True elif accept is not False and accept is not None: accepts[] = accept.encode('ascii') if accepts: extensions = [] for name, params in accepts.items(): if params is True: extensions.append(name.encode('ascii')) else: # py34 annoyance: doesn't support bytestring formatting params = params.decode("ascii") if params == '': extensions.append(('%s' % (name)) .encode("ascii")) else: extensions.append(('%s; %s' % (name, params)) .encode("ascii")) return b', '.join(extensions) return None