Source code for wsproto.frame_protocol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

WebSocket frame protocol implementation.

import itertools
import os
import struct
from codecs import getincrementaldecoder
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import IntEnum

from .compat import unicode, Utf8Validator

    from wsaccel.xormask import XorMaskerSimple
except ImportError:

    class XorMaskerSimple:
        def __init__(self, masking_key):
            self._maskbytes = itertools.cycle(bytearray(masking_key))

        def process(self, data):
            maskbytes = self._maskbytes
            return bytearray(b ^ next(maskbytes) for b in bytearray(data))

class XorMaskerNull:
    def process(self, data):
        return data

# RFC6455, Section 5.2 - Base Framing Protocol

# Payload length constants
MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE = 2 ** 16 - 1

# MASK and PAYLOAD LEN are packed into a byte
MASK_MASK = 0x80

# FIN, RSV[123] and OPCODE are packed into a single byte
FIN_MASK = 0x80
RSV1_MASK = 0x40
RSV2_MASK = 0x20
RSV3_MASK = 0x10

[docs]class Opcode(IntEnum): """ RFC 6455, Section 5.2 - Base Framing Protocol """ #: Contiuation frame CONTINUATION = 0x0 #: Text message TEXT = 0x1 #: Binary message BINARY = 0x2 #: Close frame CLOSE = 0x8 #: Ping frame PING = 0x9 #: Pong frame PONG = 0xA def iscontrol(self): return bool(self & 0x08)
[docs]class CloseReason(IntEnum): """ RFC 6455, Section 7.4.1 - Defined Status Codes """ #: indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for #: which the connection was established has been fulfilled. NORMAL_CLOSURE = 1000 #: indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server #: going down or a browser having navigated away from a page. GOING_AWAY = 1001 #: indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due #: to a protocol error. PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1002 #: indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection #: because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an #: endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it #: receives a binary message). UNSUPPORTED_DATA = 1003 #: Reserved. The specific meaning might be defined in the future. # DON'T DEFINE THIS: RESERVED_1004 = 1004 #: is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a #: Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in #: applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status #: code was actually present. NO_STATUS_RCVD = 1005 #: is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a #: Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in #: applications expecting a status code to indicate that the #: connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or #: receiving a Close control frame. ABNORMAL_CLOSURE = 1006 #: indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection #: because it has received data within a message that was not #: consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629] #: data within a text message). INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA = 1007 #: indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection #: because it has received a message that violates its policy. This #: is a generic status code that can be returned when there is no #: other more suitable status code (e.g., 1003 or 1009) or if there #: is a need to hide specific details about the policy. POLICY_VIOLATION = 1008 #: indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection #: because it has received a message that is too big for it to #: process. MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = 1009 #: indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the #: connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or #: more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response #: message of the WebSocket handshake. The list of extensions that #: are needed SHOULD appear in the /reason/ part of the Close frame. #: Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it #: can fail the WebSocket handshake instead. MANDATORY_EXT = 1010 #: indicates that a server is terminating the connection because #: it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from #: fulfilling the request. INTERNAL_ERROR = 1011 #: Server/service is restarting #: (not part of RFC6455) SERVICE_RESTART = 1012 #: Temporary server condition forced blocking client's request #: (not part of RFC6455) TRY_AGAIN_LATER = 1013 #: is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a #: Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in #: applications expecting a status code to indicate that the #: connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake #: (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified). TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILED = 1015
# RFC 6455, Section 7.4.1 - Defined Status Codes LOCAL_ONLY_CLOSE_REASONS = ( CloseReason.NO_STATUS_RCVD, CloseReason.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE, CloseReason.TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILED, ) # RFC 6455, Section 7.4.2 - Status Code Ranges MIN_CLOSE_REASON = 1000 MIN_PROTOCOL_CLOSE_REASON = 1000 MAX_PROTOCOL_CLOSE_REASON = 2999 MIN_LIBRARY_CLOSE_REASON = 3000 MAX_LIBRARY_CLOSE_REASON = 3999 MIN_PRIVATE_CLOSE_REASON = 4000 MAX_PRIVATE_CLOSE_REASON = 4999 MAX_CLOSE_REASON = 4999 NULL_MASK = struct.pack("!I", 0) class ParseFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, code=CloseReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR): super(ParseFailed, self).__init__(msg) self.code = code Header = namedtuple("Header", "fin rsv opcode payload_len masking_key".split()) Frame = namedtuple("Frame", "opcode payload frame_finished message_finished".split()) RsvBits = namedtuple("RsvBits", "rsv1 rsv2 rsv3".split()) def _truncate_utf8(data, nbytes): if len(data) <= nbytes: return data # Truncate data = data[:nbytes] # But we might have cut a codepoint in half, in which case we want to # discard the partial character so the data is at least # well-formed. This is a little inefficient since it processes the # whole message twice when in theory we could just peek at the last # few characters, but since this is only used for close messages (max # length = 125 bytes) it really doesn't matter. data = data.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").encode("utf-8") return data class Buffer(object): def __init__(self, initial_bytes=None): self.buffer = bytearray() self.bytes_used = 0 if initial_bytes: self.feed(initial_bytes) def feed(self, new_bytes): self.buffer += new_bytes def consume_at_most(self, nbytes): if not nbytes: return bytearray() data = self.buffer[self.bytes_used : self.bytes_used + nbytes] self.bytes_used += len(data) return data def consume_exactly(self, nbytes): if len(self.buffer) - self.bytes_used < nbytes: return None return self.consume_at_most(nbytes) def commit(self): # In CPython 3.4+, del[:n] is amortized O(n), *not* quadratic del self.buffer[: self.bytes_used] self.bytes_used = 0 def rollback(self): self.bytes_used = 0 def __len__(self): return len(self.buffer) class MessageDecoder(object): def __init__(self): self.opcode = None self.validator = None self.decoder = None def process_frame(self, frame): assert not frame.opcode.iscontrol() if self.opcode is None: if frame.opcode is Opcode.CONTINUATION: raise ParseFailed("unexpected CONTINUATION") self.opcode = frame.opcode elif frame.opcode is not Opcode.CONTINUATION: raise ParseFailed("expected CONTINUATION, got %r" % frame.opcode) if frame.opcode is Opcode.TEXT: self.validator = Utf8Validator() self.decoder = getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")() finished = frame.frame_finished and frame.message_finished if self.decoder is not None: data = self.decode_payload(frame.payload, finished) else: data = frame.payload frame = Frame(self.opcode, data, frame.frame_finished, finished) if finished: self.opcode = None self.decoder = None return frame def decode_payload(self, data, finished): if self.validator is not None: results = self.validator.validate(bytes(data)) if not results[0] or (finished and not results[1]): raise ParseFailed( u"encountered invalid UTF-8 while processing" " text message at payload octet index %d" % results[3], CloseReason.INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA, ) try: return self.decoder.decode(data, finished) except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: raise ParseFailed(str(exc), CloseReason.INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA) class FrameDecoder(object): def __init__(self, client, extensions=None): self.client = client self.extensions = extensions or [] self.buffer = Buffer() self.header = None self.effective_opcode = None self.masker = None self.payload_required = 0 self.payload_consumed = 0 def receive_bytes(self, data): self.buffer.feed(data) def process_buffer(self): if not self.header: if not self.parse_header(): return None if len(self.buffer) < self.payload_required: return None payload_remaining = self.header.payload_len - self.payload_consumed payload = self.buffer.consume_at_most(payload_remaining) if not payload and self.header.payload_len > 0: return None self.buffer.commit() self.payload_consumed += len(payload) finished = self.payload_consumed == self.header.payload_len payload = self.masker.process(payload) for extension in self.extensions: payload = extension.frame_inbound_payload_data(self, payload) if isinstance(payload, CloseReason): raise ParseFailed("error in extension", payload) if finished: final = bytearray() for extension in self.extensions: result = extension.frame_inbound_complete(self, self.header.fin) if isinstance(result, CloseReason): raise ParseFailed("error in extension", result) if result is not None: final += result payload += final frame = Frame(self.effective_opcode, payload, finished, self.header.fin) if finished: self.header = None self.effective_opcode = None self.masker = None else: self.effective_opcode = Opcode.CONTINUATION return frame def parse_header(self): data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(2) if data is None: self.buffer.rollback() return False fin = bool(data[0] & FIN_MASK) rsv = RsvBits( bool(data[0] & RSV1_MASK), bool(data[0] & RSV2_MASK), bool(data[0] & RSV3_MASK), ) opcode = data[0] & OPCODE_MASK try: opcode = Opcode(opcode) except ValueError: raise ParseFailed("Invalid opcode {:#x}".format(opcode)) if opcode.iscontrol() and not fin: raise ParseFailed("Invalid attempt to fragment control frame") has_mask = bool(data[1] & MASK_MASK) payload_len = data[1] & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK payload_len = self.parse_extended_payload_length(opcode, payload_len) if payload_len is None: self.buffer.rollback() return False self.extension_processing(opcode, rsv, payload_len) if has_mask and self.client: raise ParseFailed("client received unexpected masked frame") if not has_mask and not self.client: raise ParseFailed("server received unexpected unmasked frame") if has_mask: masking_key = self.buffer.consume_exactly(4) if masking_key is None: self.buffer.rollback() return False self.masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key) else: self.masker = XorMaskerNull() self.buffer.commit() self.header = Header(fin, rsv, opcode, payload_len, None) self.effective_opcode = self.header.opcode if self.header.opcode.iscontrol(): self.payload_required = payload_len else: self.payload_required = 0 self.payload_consumed = 0 return True def parse_extended_payload_length(self, opcode, payload_len): if opcode.iscontrol() and payload_len > MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL: raise ParseFailed("Control frame with payload len > 125") if payload_len == PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE: data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(2) if data is None: return None (payload_len,) = struct.unpack("!H", data) if payload_len <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL: raise ParseFailed( "Payload length used 2 bytes when 1 would have sufficed" ) elif payload_len == PAYLOAD_LENGTH_EIGHT_BYTE: data = self.buffer.consume_exactly(8) if data is None: return None (payload_len,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data) if payload_len <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE: raise ParseFailed( "Payload length used 8 bytes when 2 would have sufficed" ) if payload_len >> 63: # I'm not sure why this is illegal, but that's what the RFC # says, so... raise ParseFailed("8-byte payload length with non-zero MSB") return payload_len def extension_processing(self, opcode, rsv, payload_len): rsv_used = [False, False, False] for extension in self.extensions: result = extension.frame_inbound_header(self, opcode, rsv, payload_len) if isinstance(result, CloseReason): raise ParseFailed("error in extension", result) for bit, used in enumerate(result): if used: rsv_used[bit] = True for expected, found in zip(rsv_used, rsv): if found and not expected: raise ParseFailed("Reserved bit set unexpectedly") class FrameProtocol(object): def __init__(self, client, extensions): self.client = client self.extensions = [ext for ext in extensions if ext.enabled()] # Global state self._frame_decoder = FrameDecoder(self.client, self.extensions) self._message_decoder = MessageDecoder() self._parse_more = self._parse_more_gen() self._outbound_opcode = None def _process_close(self, frame): data = frame.payload if not data: # "If this Close control frame contains no status code, _The # WebSocket Connection Close Code_ is considered to be 1005" data = (CloseReason.NO_STATUS_RCVD, "") elif len(data) == 1: raise ParseFailed("CLOSE with 1 byte payload") else: (code,) = struct.unpack("!H", data[:2]) if code < MIN_CLOSE_REASON or code > MAX_CLOSE_REASON: raise ParseFailed("CLOSE with invalid code") try: code = CloseReason(code) except ValueError: pass if code in LOCAL_ONLY_CLOSE_REASONS: raise ParseFailed("remote CLOSE with local-only reason") if not isinstance(code, CloseReason) and code <= MAX_PROTOCOL_CLOSE_REASON: raise ParseFailed("CLOSE with unknown reserved code") validator = Utf8Validator() if validator is not None: results = validator.validate(bytes(data[2:])) if not (results[0] and results[1]): raise ParseFailed( u"encountered invalid UTF-8 while" " processing close message at payload" " octet index %d" % results[3], CloseReason.INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA, ) try: reason = data[2:].decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: raise ParseFailed( "Error decoding CLOSE reason: " + str(exc), CloseReason.INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA, ) data = (code, reason) return Frame(frame.opcode, data, frame.frame_finished, frame.message_finished) def _parse_more_gen(self): # Consume as much as we can from self._buffer, yielding events, and # then yield None when we need more data. Or raise ParseFailed. # XX FIXME this should probably be refactored so that we never see # disabled extensions in the first place... self.extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions if ext.enabled()] closed = False while not closed: frame = self._frame_decoder.process_buffer() if frame is not None: if not frame.opcode.iscontrol(): frame = self._message_decoder.process_frame(frame) elif frame.opcode == Opcode.CLOSE: frame = self._process_close(frame) closed = True yield frame def receive_bytes(self, data): self._frame_decoder.receive_bytes(data) def received_frames(self): for event in self._parse_more: if event is None: break else: yield event def close(self, code=None, reason=None): payload = bytearray() if code is None and reason is not None: raise TypeError("cannot specify a reason without a code") if code in LOCAL_ONLY_CLOSE_REASONS: code = CloseReason.NORMAL_CLOSURE if code is not None: payload += bytearray(struct.pack("!H", code)) if reason is not None: payload += _truncate_utf8( reason.encode("utf-8"), MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL - 2 ) return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.CLOSE, payload) def ping(self, payload=b""): return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.PING, payload) def pong(self, payload=b""): return self._serialize_frame(Opcode.PONG, payload) def send_data(self, payload=b"", fin=True): if isinstance(payload, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): opcode = Opcode.BINARY elif isinstance(payload, unicode): opcode = Opcode.TEXT payload = payload.encode("utf-8") else: raise ValueError("Must provide bytes or text") if self._outbound_opcode is None: self._outbound_opcode = opcode elif self._outbound_opcode is not opcode: raise TypeError("Data type mismatch inside message") else: opcode = Opcode.CONTINUATION if fin: self._outbound_opcode = None return self._serialize_frame(opcode, payload, fin) def _make_fin_rsv_opcode(self, fin, rsv, opcode): fin = int(fin) << 7 rsv = (int(rsv.rsv1) << 6) + (int(rsv.rsv2) << 5) + (int(rsv.rsv3) << 4) opcode = int(opcode) return fin | rsv | opcode def _serialize_frame(self, opcode, payload=b"", fin=True): rsv = RsvBits(False, False, False) for extension in reversed(self.extensions): rsv, payload = extension.frame_outbound(self, opcode, rsv, payload, fin) fin_rsv_opcode = self._make_fin_rsv_opcode(fin, rsv, opcode) payload_length = len(payload) quad_payload = False if payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_NORMAL: first_payload = payload_length second_payload = None elif payload_length <= MAX_PAYLOAD_TWO_BYTE: first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_TWO_BYTE second_payload = payload_length else: first_payload = PAYLOAD_LENGTH_EIGHT_BYTE second_payload = payload_length quad_payload = True if self.client: first_payload |= 1 << 7 header = bytearray([fin_rsv_opcode, first_payload]) if second_payload is not None: if opcode.iscontrol(): raise ValueError("payload too long for control frame") if quad_payload: header += bytearray(struct.pack("!Q", second_payload)) else: header += bytearray(struct.pack("!H", second_payload)) if self.client: # "The masking key is a 32-bit value chosen at random by the # client. When preparing a masked frame, the client MUST pick a # fresh masking key from the set of allowed 32-bit values. The # masking key needs to be unpredictable; thus, the masking key # MUST be derived from a strong source of entropy, and the masking # key for a given frame MUST NOT make it simple for a server/proxy # to predict the masking key for a subsequent frame. The # unpredictability of the masking key is essential to prevent # authors of malicious applications from selecting the bytes that # appear on the wire." # -- masking_key = os.urandom(4) masker = XorMaskerSimple(masking_key) return header + masking_key + masker.process(payload) return header + payload